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Table 1 Summary of deterministic and statistical coseismic landslide models

From: Coseismic landslide susceptibility assessment using geographic information system






Newmark (Pseudo-static)

- calculates the coseismic landslide likelihood based on the dynamic stability of the slope and the earthquake ground motion.

- appropriate for site specific coseismic landslide assessment and suitable for fairly stiff materials.

- highly simplistic and contains many assumptions

- Newmark’s method treats a landslide as a rigid-plastic body

Newmark 1965; Sarma 1975; Yegian et al. 1992; Bray et al. 1998; Saygili and Rathje 2008

Stress-deformation analysis

- based on the mathematical methods.

- uses the finite-element model to estimate the strain potential at each node based on cyclic laboratory shear test of soil samples.

- gives the most accurate explanation of slope behaviour during an earthquake

- require high quality and sophisticated soil constitutive models

- requires high quality and quantity of data

- requires undisturbed soil samples and extensive laboratory analysis

Seed et al. 1973; Elgamal et al. 1990.



- regression equations were generated using the data derived from the Newmark displacement model.

- Needs extensive data on strong-motion and coseismic landslide occurrences

- suitable only for large number of earthquake strong motion data and for rapid preliminary screening of sites.

Jibson 2007; Rajabi et al. 2011

Integrated frequency ratio (FR) and logistic regression (LR)

- analyses various factors that might affect coseismic landslide

- provides better explanation of relationship among the factors that might affect coseismic landslide

- needs an extensive field survey and observation.

- the results are sensitive to the data quality

Umar et al. 2014

Attenuation model

- derives from the Newmark displacement model

- needs extensive data on strong-motion and coseismic landslide occurrences.

- Needs a data set of Newmark displacement

Romeo 2000; Jian et al. 2010

Bayesian Network

- analyses various factors that might affect coseismic landslides

- provides graphically and probabilistically of correlative and causal relationship among variables.

- provides a natural way of handling missing data

- can be easily combined with other analytic tools to aid management

- difficult to treat continuous data

- needs the accurate data on landslide occurrences

Song et al. 2012