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Table 5 Soil classification

From: Flood vulnerable zones in the rural blocks of Thiruvallur district, South India

Mapping unit




Moderately deep, well drained, gravelly clay soils on gently sloping lands, moderately eroded; associated with moderately shallow, well drained gravelly loam soils.

Clayey-skeletal, mixed, Typic Rhodustalfs.


Moderately shallow, well-drained, gravelly loam soils on undulating hills, severely eroded; associated with shallow, well-drained, gravelly loam soils.

Loamy skeletal, mixed, Typic Ustorthents.


Shallow, well drained, gravelly clay soils on gently sloping lands, moderately eroded; associated with moderately shallow, well drained, gravelly clay soils.

Clayey skeletal, mixed, Rhodic Paleustalfs.


Very deep, moderately well drained, calcarious, cracking clay soils on gently sloping lands, slightly eroded.

Fine, Montmorillonitic, Entic Chromusterts.