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Table 4 Modeling accuracy in predicting flood hazard mapping [OA: Overall Accuracy]

From: Development of an automated method for flood inundation monitoring, flood hazard, and soil erosion susceptibility assessment using machine learning and AHP–MCE techniques

Training data (70% of flood occurrence points during 2016–18)

Testing data (30% of flood occurrence points during 2016–18)

Validation data (flood occurrence points during 2019–21)

Random forest (RF)

OA: 82.91%

Kappa: 0.66

OA: 82.36%

Kappa: 0.65

Classification and regression tool (CART)

OA: 81.9%

Kappa: 0.64

OA: 83.37%

Kappa: 0.67

Support vector machine (SVM)

OA: 82.23%

Kappa: 0.64

OA: 81.15%

Kappa: 0.62